CSNOG 2018
Monday, 11 June 2018 (09:00)
Tuesday, 12 June 2018 (17:45)
Monday, 11 June 2018
Registration and coffee
Registration and coffee
09:00 - 09:30
Room: Congress Hall
DDoS Beasts and How to Fight Them
DDoS Beasts and How to Fight Them
09:30 - 11:00
Room: Congress Hall
DDoS threat has been rapidly evolving recently, up to the point when it started to be a community-wide problem. Numerous IoT-related working groups were spawned throughout the last 2 years mostly due to the infamous 1,1Tbps IoT DDoS attack in autumn 2016. Fast-forward 1,5 years, and we see attacks even more disastrous. This workshop aims at dissecting the DDoS threat. It goes over the ISO/OSI layers, offering a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive classification of denial-of-service attacks, a description of what makes them possible, and a set of possible ways to mitigate attacks of any kind, from an ISP perspective. The workshop is based on a personal experience. It is vendor-agnostic and doesn't cover or promote any solutions available on the market, an attendee is welcome to use this as a guide to build their own.
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:30
Room: Congress Hall
Opening plenary
Opening plenary
11:30 - 11:45
Room: Congress Hall
RIPE NCC presentation
RIPE NCC presentation
11:45 - 12:05
Room: Congress Hall
Network Fault Isolation
Network Fault Isolation
12:05 - 12:30
Room: Congress Hall
NFI (Network Fault Isolation) - Active network monitoring Most network monitoring relies in the individual network devices themselves telling you that they are healthy or unhealthy via syslog messages, SNMP data, etc. In a Facebook scale network we just can’t trust the network devices to accurately report health in all the possible failure cases that may exist. In addition to the standard network monitoring tools, we also actively probe our network with test traffic to ensure it’s behaving exactly as we expect. We can now find the network devices that don’t even know they are dropping packets even when they exist several layers deep inside the network.
12:30 - 13:30
Room: Congress Hall
Open-source smerovač na bežne dostupnom hardvéri
Open-source smerovač na bežne dostupnom hardvéri
13:30 - 13:55
Room: Congress Hall
Témou prednášky bude predstavenie možností postavenia vlastného smerovača na bežne dostupnom hardvéri pomocou open-source softvéru. Aké sú limity dnešných CPU, sieťových kariet a je možné smerovať line-rate n*10Gbps v Linuxe?
BIRD 2.0.x
BIRD 2.0.x
13:55 - 14:20
Room: Congress Hall
[BIRD Internet Routing Daemon][1] is currently the most deployed daemon for router server in IXP environment. It's current stable branch is called 1.6.x. This version has several limitation in AFI/SAFI handling. This talk will introduce the new version branch 2.0.x and show practical differences between those two branches [1]: http://bird.network.cz
Budoucí nároky videa na sítě
Budoucí nároky videa na sítě
14:20 - 14:45
Room: Congress Hall
Dominantní objem videa konzumovaného diváky se dnes odehrává mimo IP sítě (DVB, satelit, digitální kabelová TV). S fragmentací trhu s videem a s příchodem nových technologií jako je HbbTV nebo ATSC 3.0 můžeme čekat postupné stahování konzumentů videa do IP sítí. Budou naše sítě připravené na milion TV přijímačů připojených na Internet? Máme k dispozici tipy, triky či černou magii, která nám odloží potřebu masivních investic? Mohou v tom nějak pomoci propojovací centra? A pokud zbyde čas - vnese masivní distribuce videa skrz IP sítě novou dynamiku do vztahů mezi ISP a jejich propojování.
LT: Bude vaše doména fungovat i v roce 2019?
LT: Bude vaše doména fungovat i v roce 2019?
14:45 - 14:52
Room: Congress Hall
Na den 1. února 2019 je naplánována změna v DNS software. Jste na ni připraveni? Bude vaše doména spolehlivě fungovat i po tomto datu?
LT: Internetová cenzura v ČR: začatek, skutečný stav a možná evoluce
LT: Internetová cenzura v ČR: začatek, skutečný stav a možná evoluce
14:52 - 15:00
Room: Congress Hall
- Legislation in CZ about gambling-related blocking - Blacklist evolution - from v1 to v7. Gambling with internet Casino. Using PDF as "machine-readable" format. - Atlas probes on restricted domains. Blacklisting status. - Possible next steps in CZ. Internet freedom or country-wide Intranet?
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
15:00 - 15:30
Room: Congress Hall
Vývoj a fungování peeringu v IXP
Vývoj a fungování peeringu v IXP
15:30 - 15:55
Room: Congress Hall
Pohled do minulosti, současnosti a budoucnosti způsobu navazování peeringových relací v prostředí IXP. Možnosti jejich zabezpečení, automatizace, signalizace a kontroly vyměňovaných informací pomocí route serverů a dostupných databází.
Routing Security Toolset
Routing Security Toolset
15:55 - 16:20
Room: Congress Hall
In this presentation Andrzej will discuss the tools RIPE NCC maintains for routing security: IRR and RPKI. Network operators face challenges in routing security and we will explain the pros and cons of both tools, their data quality and what the RIPE NCC is doing to optimise the user experience.
BGP transport security – do you care?
BGP transport security – do you care?
16:20 - 16:45
Room: Congress Hall
MD5 is insecure. BGP uses MD5 for session authentication therefore BGP is insecure. The internet is broken. Panic! How many of you use MD5 for BGP sessions? And for what purpose? Isn’t MD5 authentication really just a longer form of peer identifier – to avoid accidentally establishing a session with a wrong peer? Does MD5 help in preventing route leaks and hijacks? Does your network allow access to internal BGP speaking nodes from outside of the perimeter? How do you distribute MD5 secrets to your peers? How do you change MD5 secrets without tearing down the BGP session? TCP Authentication Option has been around for a while. Is anyone aware of TCP-AO? Do any major vendors implement it? Does anyone care? Why not to run BGP over TLS? Or BGP over IPsec? Or BGP over QUIC? Or why not invent a new secure transport for BGP? Sure, that sounds to be a lot of fun, let’s do that. Control plane security has been a special kind of security for a long time. Indeed there are specialty aspects to it as of the layers above relying significantly on the proper operation of the control plane, and often transports used for control planes are not too common ones. IETF has been working on control plane security for a noticeable period of time, there was a dedicated KARP working group and protocol-specific working groups had their individual initiatives on security aspects. However the world still uses MD5 for BGP. KARP WG got shutdown after a long struggle to produce anything. Is this the question of education, or the lack of it to be precise? Is the problem of peer authentication solved in some other way? Is there a problem at all? Do we need to spend time on spreading the word on what control plane security is and why it is important? Is there a problem at all – given sufficient network operational hygiene and proper network design, do we need control plane security as a separate entity as such? Is there a need for having inbuilt transport security mechanisms into BGP protocol itself? IETF would like to hear the feedback of operators’ community on these topics.
LT: 400G - don’t get confused with this transceiver generation
LT: 400G - don’t get confused with this transceiver generation
16:45 - 17:00
Room: Congress Hall
abstract: Transmission speed of 400G is becoming reality and new challenges for optical and electrical components for high speed systems are emerging as well. PAM4 modulation is one key component for 400G transmission with transceivers. Insights of PAM4 are explained and shown. Packed with this knowledge the new introduced formfactors OSFP, QSFP-DD, SFP56-DD and µQSFP are easier to understand. This will help you to design / build new kind of applications or connections with your networking gear in the field. Avoid pitfalls when designing your racks. Be aware that power consumption and new plugs will also be part of the world of 400G transceivers.
17:00 - 17:30
Room: Congress Hall
Zvyšujeme bezpečnost provozu .CZ DNS
Zvyšujeme bezpečnost provozu .CZ DNS
17:30 - 17:55
Room: Congress Hall
Stav upgradu infrastruktury .CZ DNS anycastu a možnosti zapojení ISP do tohoto projektu.
Vizualizace výsledků měření pokrytí
Vizualizace výsledků měření pokrytí
17:55 - 18:20
Room: Congress Hall
Prezentace by se týkala popisu a ukázky nového nástroje, který ČTÚ vyvíjí (testuje) pro účely zpracování a následné vizualizace (i na web. stránkách) naměřených výsledků pokrytí (nejen rádiových parametrů, ale také QoS).
Hromadný sběr anonymizovaných dat pomocí Kolektoru
Hromadný sběr anonymizovaných dat pomocí Kolektoru
18:20 - 18:40
Room: Congress Hall
Vytvoření vlastního Kolektoru pro hromadný sběr dat, úskalí a výzvy, cesty kterými jsme se vydali. Co takový sběr obnáší, jaká data jsou sbírána, jak je s nimi poté zacházeno, příklady konkrétního využití.
Sponsor's Invitation To Social Event
Sponsor's Invitation To Social Event
18:40 - 18:50
Room: Congress Hall
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
09:00 - 09:30
Room: Congress Hall
Architektura připojení pro kritické služby
Architektura připojení pro kritické služby
09:30 - 10:00
Room: Congress Hall
Trvalá dostupnost kritických služeb s širokým uživatelským dosahem nezávisí pouze na kvalitě implementace koncových aplikací. Zabýváme se dostatečně celou architekturou připojení těchto služeb k síti? Dokážeme udržet jejich dosažitelnost i v případě významných DoS útoků? Obsahem přednášky je zamyšlení se nad řetězcem související síťové architektury a základními aspekty, kterým je vhodné věnovat pozornost.
Wi-Fi roaming and open source
Wi-Fi roaming and open source
10:00 - 10:20
Room: Congress Hall
Wi-Fi is now the most common way of connecting to the Internet from user devices. Some of them even use it as the only way to access networks. Because of this it became more important to provide reliable and stable Wi-Fi coverage. In this talk we will be focusing on hostapd, an open source daemon implementing wireless authentication, and its usage in area coverage. Specifically we will be talking about 802.11r and related standards (also known as Wi-Fi roaming).
Community infrastructure with vpsFree.cz
Community infrastructure with vpsFree.cz
10:20 - 10:30
Room: Congress Hall
vpsFree.cz is a non-profit association founded in 2008 to host virtual private servers (VPS) for its members. The form of non-profit association means that every member has the right to participate and influence how it is run. Who we are? What we can offer and do for internet community?
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:00
Room: Congress Hall
Měřící infrastruktura pro měření základních parametrů služeb elektronických komunikací
Měřící infrastruktura pro měření základních parametrů služeb elektronických komunikací
11:00 - 11:25
Room: Congress Hall
Český telekomunikační úřad buduje v rámci projektu „Měřící systém elektronických komunikací“ měřící infrastrukturu pro účely kontroly a ověřování vybraných parametrů datových služeb elektronických komunikací poskytovaných koncovým účastníkům v mobilních a pevných sítích. Měřící systém bude disponovat, jak veřejně dostupným nástrojem pro měření aktuální kvality služeb přístupu k síti Internet, tak certifikovanou technologií pro měření. Zároveň budou do infrastruktury implementovány prvky pro zajištění kybernetické bezpečnosti.
WPAD a bezpecnost v DNS
WPAD a bezpecnost v DNS
11:25 - 11:50
Room: Congress Hall
Chteli bychom sitovou verejnost upozornit na rizika moznosti zneuziti domen ( podvrzeni DNS odpovedi, registrace expirovanych, atd.), upozornit na "default domain name" v konfiguraci routeru a doplit statistikami a grafy ohledne rizik v CZ&SK a nejen tam.
Ochrana proti random subdomain útokům pomocí technologie DNSSEC
Ochrana proti random subdomain útokům pomocí technologie DNSSEC
11:50 - 12:15
Room: Congress Hall
Od roku 2018 mají open-source DNS resolvery novou funkci zvanou agresivní cache (RFC 8198), která efektivně brání některým typům útoků proti autoritativním i rekurzivním DNS serverům. Během přednášky vyhodnotíme rozvdíl v dopadu random subdomain útoku na DNS zóny, které jsou a nejsou zabezpečeny pomocí technologie DNSSEC. Na datech z měření bude vysvětleno, že pro opetrátory autoritativních serverů je výhodné podepsat zónu pomocí DNSSEC, a že pro operátory resolverů je výhodné provádět DNSSEC validaci.
Útok skrz (ne)známou vlastnost síťových prvků
Útok skrz (ne)známou vlastnost síťových prvků
12:15 - 12:30
Room: Congress Hall
Současné operační systémy síťových prvků nabízejí obrovské množství funkcionality a komunikují skrz širokou škálu protokolů. Přes veškeré jejich přínosy se může někdy stát, že nová funkce se proti nám obrátí a způsobí nám potíže - zejména, je-li takováto vlastnost ve výchozí konfiguraci aktivní. Přednáška pojednává o jedné takové zkušenosti, kdy správcem neznámou a nevyužívanou vlastnost zná a zneužije útočník.
12:30 - 13:30
Room: Congress Hall
Fighting malware during the DNS resolution
Fighting malware during the DNS resolution
13:30 - 14:00
Room: Congress Hall
Most of the malware lifecycle could be observed and even prevented in the DNS traffic. DNS resolver is the ideal place to look for the behavior and eventually act against malicious requests. The presentation will focus on different types of malware requests that can be seen and will discuss experience with fighting malware in a network with approximately hundred thousand of different households in the beginning of 2018. Summary of individual incidents and methods of detection will be presented along with downsides (e.g. application of external Indicators of Compromise) of such approach. The aim is to give the audience an idea about the number of threats seen in a standard home network and to share experience with challenges in DNS resolution filtering like false positive mitigation. The main presentation structure will follow the malware lifecycle and will present real-life examples, statistics and describe approaches used to solve particular problems.
BIND 9 Past, Present, and Future
BIND 9 Past, Present, and Future
14:00 - 14:30
Room: Congress Hall
BIND 9 is now 17 years old, the latest stable version 9.12.1 was released in March 2018 and the BIND 9 Team has adopted changes to adapt to the ever changing Internet landscape to be a truly open open-source software.
Building 100G DDoS mitigation device with FPGA technology
Building 100G DDoS mitigation device with FPGA technology
14:30 - 15:00
Room: Congress Hall
The volume of DDoS attacks and their variety grows every year. Since 2016 the largest attacks reached 1 Tbps, effectively disconnecting even well provisioned services from the Internet. CESNET dediced to exploit its expertise in building hardware-accelerated network probes to build its own active device with mitigation capabilities. The device consists of 100 Gbps FPGA network card and a commodity server. The presentation will introduce the FPGA technology in network processing domain as well as outline the concept of the mitigation device. The presentation will also summarize lessons learned during the deployment phase. The rest of the presentation will elaborate on selected mitigation heuristics designed to mitigate volumetric DDoS attacks.
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
15:00 - 15:30
Room: Congress Hall
Internetworking security
Internetworking security
15:30 - 15:50
Room: Congress Hall
I při propojování sítí je třeba řešit bezpečnost GTSM BFD BGP FlowSpec uRPFv3 bezpečnostní nástroje a projekty sdružení NIX.CZ
ROV impact simulation & analysis
ROV impact simulation & analysis
15:50 - 16:10
Room: Congress Hall
Recent work shows that RPKI deployment, currently the most important security extension to the inter-domain routing protocols and amendment of the Internet operation procedures, is severely obstructed by inaccuracies, errors and outdated records in published ROAs. Measurements proved deployment of ROA validation in the Internet is almost non-existing despite the fact that RPKI brings major improvement of Internet routing security without need for large scale and costly hardware upgrades. Attempts to explain reasons that caused slow adoption of the RPKI mechanism describe fear of disconnecting legitimate networks because of erroneous ROA as the leading factor. We utilize NetfFlow data from a real network to simulate ROV and subsequently quantify and analyze traffic that would have been dropped by ROV enforcement. Moreover, we explore methods to distinguish malicious traffic from legitimate one in the stream that would have been lost due to ROV to measure resulting impact of ROV.
LT: Network Security Monitoring with Flow Data
LT: Network Security Monitoring with Flow Data
16:10 - 16:17
Room: Congress Hall
This pitch presentation will highlight how you can leverage flow data (NetFlow/IPFIX/etc.) for anomaly detection & DDoS protection in backbone networks.
LT: Quad9DNS : A public benefit service
LT: Quad9DNS : A public benefit service
16:17 - 16:25
Room: Congress Hall
Public recursive resolvers are not new. This presentation walks you through what makes Quad9DNS different, and, of true public benefit.
LT: Pět kroků k elipse
LT: Pět kroků k elipse
16:25 - 16:40
Room: Congress Hall
Prezentace rekapituluje výměnu KSK klíče v doméně .CZ s přechodem na algoritmus ECDSA založený na eliptických křivkách.
Closing Plenary, Farewell
Closing Plenary, Farewell
16:40 - 16:55
Room: Congress Hall