Jun 11 – 12, 2018
Orea Hotel Voronez
Europe/Prague timezone


The organizers of CSNOG, the first meeting of Czechoslovak networkers, published the presentations and videos

21. 6. 2018

Today, the organizers of CSNOG (Czech and Slovak Network Operators Group), the first meeting of Czechoslovak network administrators, made the presentations and video footage available on their website. In the Programme section there are presentations of all participants, including representatives of CESNET, ČTÚ, CZ.NIC, Facebook, ISC, NIX.CZ or RIPE NCC. More »


The program of the CSNOG has been finalized, register in time

25. 5. 2018

Domain name system, Internet interconnection at peering node level, new tools in network security or telecommunication – these are just some of the topics on the agenda of the first CSNOG. The complete program is available at the Programme page. More »


The organizers of the CSNOG community event have published first abstracts and launched registration 


The website of the CSNOG (Czech and Slovak Network Operators Group), Czech and Slovak community conference of network operators, now holds first abstracts and a registration form for those interested in the event. More »


The Czech and Slovak network operator communities to meet at the CSNOG conference

22. 03. 0218

Major Czech and Slovak Internet network organizations are preparing the first annual CSNOG (Czech and Slovak Network Operators Group) community meeting, which will be held on June 11 and 12, 2018, in Brno. The aim of this two-day event is primarily to enable mutual exchange of experience, discussion of current issues and sharing of solutions leading to the development of Internet networks in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Call for Abstracts (valid until April 20) will be found on the website published today. The main organizers of the first year of the event are CZ.NIC, administrator of the Czech national domain, and NIX.CZ, a neutral peering node for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. More »