May 28 – 29, 2019
Orea Hotel Voronez
Europe/Prague timezone

Don't let your IPv6 deployment break

Not scheduled
Congress Hall (Orea Hotel Voronez)

Congress Hall

Orea Hotel Voronez

Krizkovskeho 47 603 73 Brno Czech Republic


When deploying IPv6, the currently most often deployment model is to dual-stack the end-user's LAN. Combined with the Happy Eyeballs (RFC 8305/6555), this often masks broken IPv6 deployments.

Still, there are tools that do not perform Happy Eyeballs -- and for those tools, a broken IPv6 networking configuration results de facto in a broken service, even in dual-stack environment where the IPv4 counterpart is available. In IPv6-only network, broken IPv6 connectivity and/or DNS configuration results in IPv6 hosts being completely inaccessible.

This talk will focus on real-life brokenness experience and how to avoid it.

Primary author

Presentation materials