May 28 – 29, 2019
Orea Hotel Voronez
Europe/Prague timezone

Highlights of RIPE NCC Tools: RIPE Atlas, RIPEstat and the Website Dashboard

May 29, 2019, 4:00 PM
Congress Hall (Orea Hotel Voronez)

Congress Hall

Orea Hotel Voronez

Krizkovskeho 47 603 73 Brno Czech Republic


This presentation aims to show how the publicly available RIPE NCC analytical tools and data sets can be used for active network measurements or to get country-specific information about networks. The presentation will highlight the following tools and services:

RIPE Atlas
RIPE Atlas employs a global network of probes that measure Internet connectivity and reachability, providing an understanding of the state of the Internet in real time. In this presentation, we will show some of the latest developments such as various APIs, VM anchors and the new probe version that can help carry out active network measurements.

RIPEstat is a web-based interface that provides everything you ever wanted to know about IP address space, Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs), and related information for hostnames and countries in one place. We’ll show you how you can get the most out of it. My Dashboard
We’ll show a new feature you can use on the website - the My Dashboard view. It allows you to customise the website with information that you would like to see. You can for instance choose from widgets showing the latest RIPE Policy documents, your RIPE Atlas credits or upcoming RIPE NCC webinars.

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