May 28 – 29, 2019
Orea Hotel Voronez
Europe/Prague timezone

Measuring Internet stability: Czech Republic, Slovakia and beyond

May 29, 2019, 11:30 AM
Congress Hall (Orea Hotel Voronez)

Congress Hall

Orea Hotel Voronez

Krizkovskeho 47 603 73 Brno Czech Republic


For four years now, Qrator Labs were releasing annual reports on national Internet segments' reliability. The source of the data is the state and the history of ISP relations, as seen via mutual BGP announcements. The 2019 report is going to see light in August.

When we want to understand a current situation in some region in telecom world, first of all we need to gather some information about it. We need to understand who are the biggest players on market, how diverse is this market at all, who are the critical points of failure. The are several approaches to this.

In our report we want to play around one of possible approaches: a view in terms of autonomous systems' relations. We'll look at the current resource distribution between ASNs and how good the current security practices are applied by them. Also we'll try to highlight the top of ISPs and check the stability of a region in a whole.

Primary author

Mr Eugene Bogomazov (Qrator Labs CZ)

Presentation materials